Courses Delivered (indicative)

Behaviour Management for ITT

Early identification of Challenging Behaviour and Remediation for Parents Groups

All children have various behaviours: how do they fit into the classroom?
Course given for teachers and LSAs

Literacy and Behaviour Teachers and SENCOs Concentrating on motivating classroom practice and the individual child’s needs
Sharing Behaviour in Schools Manager Course looking particularly at focused staff support and consistent behavioural expectations in the classroom.

Teaching Behaviour through Planning and Language
This course focused on teachers looking at the training of learning behaviours as proactive in classroom management.

Teaching Learning Behaviours Course for Teachers

Approach Integration: Behavioural Considerations
Focus on the teaching of behaviour that pupils may be expected to have in their receiving schools: a positive approach to moving on

Working with parents with children with emotional, social and behavioural difficulties
This course stressed positive communication with parents as well as describing behaviours and their long-term remediation.

Exploring Art with Children with Emotional and Behavioural Difficulties
This course concentrated on the use of the teaching of art skills in order to widen the pupils experience and language and thereby feeding personal imagination.

The Language of Disclosure
This course concentrated on the signs of abuse and pupil communication and teacher listening.

Eyes in the Back of my head: Managing Action and Learning in the Classroom

Can I share my Book with Joe? Developing Language for Acquiring Positive Learning Behaviours

Developing School Awareness of Behaviour Management Needs
This course concentrated on the idea of understanding the etiology of behavioural difficulties and long-term positive planning and support in schools

Opening the Classroom Door: critical areas of staff training for school development
Manager course concentrating on the balance of training in schools linking behaviour and learning

Training in the principles of Behaviour Management
Course concentrating on the balance of training in schools linking behaviour and learning

© 2020 Dr Sonia Burnard

Tel: 07599 524671

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